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Which are the Best Apples to Eat With Peanut Butter?

Which are the Best Apples to Eat With Peanut Butter?

Snacks make the world go round. There’s something just so satisfying about being able to reach for a quick bite with little effort. Then, that quick bite holds you over until mealtime. It’s a win/win scenario.

As the culture shifts more and more towards healthy eating, consumers are moving away from small bags full of cheese dust and candy bars. The public is looking for something more substantial and better for them. This idea has given rise to things like chocolate-dipped strawberries and apples with peanut butter.

With all the benefits in mind, what apple pairs best with peanut butter?

While it would be hard to find an apple that didn’t work with peanut butter, the most popular options are Gala, Pink Lady, and even the sour Granny Smith apples.

Honestly, though, what would dress up a typical plain Jane, red delicious apple better than peanut butter?

What makes apples and peanut butter a healthy snack?

What makes apples and peanut butter a healthy snack?

One of the most beloved flavor combinations is salty and sweet. Think of chocolate drizzled on pretzels or caramel popcorn. Both of those options are delicious, but there are ways to make them healthier.

Apples are one of nature’s candies. No need for added sugar to make these treats taste sweet. Peanut butter is a nutty source of protein.

Both ingredients are packed full of nutrients that are heart-healthy and good for blood sugar levels. Not to mention, juicy apples are the perfect contrast between dry and sticky peanut butter.

Apples have a high dose of fiber and phytochemicals. The antioxidants create a protective shield around the DNA of a cell. This keeps the cell from getting oxidative damage, which is where cancer starts.

So, you know the phrase about apples keeping doctors away? That might be a fun way to acknowledge that apples may help prevent cancer. If that’s not a healthy snack, what is?

Is it good for you to eat an apple every day?

Is it good for you to eat an apple every day?

It depends on what your nutritional goals are. On average, if you want to eat an apple and smear a little peanut butter on it every day for a snack, it’s not a problem. In fact, it might even be encouraged.

Making it an every-other-day treat might be a strategic choice for someone on a low-carb diet. As healthy and rich in nutrients as apples are, they are still on the heavier side with carbs when it comes to fruit.

The typical apple still has fewer carbs than everyone’s favorite, bananas. Of course, even a low-carb diet isn’t a no-carb diet, so you still need some to survive. That is despite what any fad diet might tell you.

What you don’t want to do, no matter what your dinner plans are, is to overdo the handheld treat. As with all things, moderation is key. Eating a bag of apples in a day is only going to hurt you, and your stomach, in the end.

What makes peanut butter healthy?

What makes peanut butter healthy?

There are a lot of good nutrients naturally loaded into peanut butter. Some of those are vitamins E and B6, iron, magnesium, and selenium.

Studies have indicated that individuals who add peanut butter to their regular snacking programs are more likely to avoid type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Talk about incentives!

It should be noted that peanut butter should also be consumed in moderation. As inspiring as it is, peanuts are not sans fat. Peanut butter recommendations are two tablespoons daily. That may not seem like a lot, but just spread thin layers.

What’s the best kind of peanut butter for apples?

What's the best kind of peanut butter for apples?

If you’ve ever paid attention at the store, there are a whole lot of peanut butter choices. There’s also a lot of nut butter and random butter like cookie butter, too. That’s another story.

As far as peanut butters go, you can get all kinds of add-ins and textures. Some brands are even known for being way better than others. How do you pick the best one for apples?

The most straightforward answer is creamy peanut butter. It spreads the easiest and works well to hold in the juices of the apple.

Because there aren’t any bits inside, you can kick it up a notch and top the peanut butter with raisins. After all, why not?

Creamy peanut butter can also be enjoyed in a variety of ways. There are honey-roasted, dark chocolate, and even sunflower flavors.

If you purchase organic peanut butter, be careful. At the top, there’s a layer of oil. It’s nothing to be scared of. Just take a moment to stir the jar up before spooning any out on the apple.

Are organic apples and peanut butter better?

Buying organic has become a bigger part of the market in recent years. It is touted as being the best option for things such as produce.

Does it really make products better? In terms of apples, research seems to lean towards a couple of notable benefits. First, organic apples have a more diverse bacterial community in them. Not only does that make them better for the environment, but they also taste better.

For peanut butter, science also points towards organic being better for you. Peanut butter that is classified as organic, means it comes from a place where pesticides were used only sparingly. It also has more nutrients that are good for your heart.